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Welcome to PingPronto, your new homebase for your job search. In order to help you achieve success in this process, we want to tell you a bit more about how it all works.

Once you’ve signed your success fee agreement, we will review your up-to-date resume, as well as your target companies, roles, salary range, and location preferences, and keep you in mind for opportunities that come to our attention through our connections with hiring managers and CEOs in our network, which includes established Fortune 2000 companies and dynamic new startups.
Once you are placed in a position, you will pay your success fee prorated equally over 12 months, i.e., 1/12, at the end of each month of continued employment for the first year.

By signing up for a retainer package, you can elevate this passive job search into an active job hunt and accelerate the process of being placed in a new position. Once you sign up for a retainer package, we will meet with you to begin your AI-enabled job search, which will allow us to execute outreaches on your behalf. This will include crafting an individualized approach, centered on targeted outreaches from a unique email address, LinkedIn profile, and internal phone number, all of which we will create for you. In this capacity, we will submit your resume and a cover letter to relevant job listings.
Every job application that we submit in your name is trackable on the PingPronto platform, and we will also send you a weekly metrics report with a full outline of the number of jobs applied for and the emails sent on your behalf. We will reach out to you directly whenever a company is interested in interviewing or talking further with you.